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Heat Pump Rapid Inverter RIC45 17,5 kW

By the order
3 149,00
2 820,00

Rapid Inverter is a full-inverter pool heat pump, powered by full-inverter compressor and full inverter fan motor, which adjusts the compressor speed hertz, and the fan speed round by round. It matches pool intelligently with continuous and optimal efficiency. The Rapid Inverter heat pump allows the heating capacity from 25% to 100% automatically according to pool demand, but most of the time, it only runs by middle and low speed for maximum efficiency.

When Rapid Inverter runs by middle and low speed to maintain the pool temperature, the compressor and fan run super quietly. The Rapid Inverter averagely runs by COP up to 16 (at Air 26°C/Water 26°C/Humidity 80%) depends on pool size.

Energy saving – up to 2x compared to a conventional heat pump

Cooling capacity: 4,6 kW

Newly, these heat pumps have a refrigerant R32.

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